Left Right Labs

Increase your conversion rate by up to 75% through our expert review

We'll review any page on your website and show you exactly what you need to do to increase your sales!
Review My Page

Find Out What Your Customer Isn't Telling You...

You know you’re doing something right when you make a sale, but what about when you don’t? Those non-customers rarely ever tell you why they didn’t purchase.

I had to read the headline 3 times just to figure out what it was saying. 

There’s something about this page I don’t trust…

The page took too long to load. 

I didn’t understand the offer. What exactly was I buying?

There was way too much text on the page. I don’t have time to read all that.

I clicked on a button and nothing happened, so I gave up.

The ad I clicked on was interesting, but the page I landed on made no sense.

Nothing on the page jumped out at me, so I clicked the back button.

The colors on the page made it hard to read and the font was so small on my phone.

We know why they leave… and it’s fixable.

Review My Page

increase your sales volume with our proven SmartPage Review

Stop guessing at what your customers want. Get strategic, expert feedback on any page of your website and take your customer conversions to the next level! 

With a SmartPage Review You'll Get:

A comprehensive, personalized video review highlighting exactly where your page’s problem areas lie

Expert feedback and actionable suggestions to swiftly boost your conversion rate

Speed testing and mobile assessment with tailored recommendations

An in-depth review of imagery, branding, and visual presentation

Suggestions for enhancing headlines and copy for maximum impact

Real-time page flow and user experience commentary, giving you insight into what your visitors see and feel

An analysis of how effectively your product connects with your ideal customer

Identification of emotional connection points and gap areas


A SmartPage Increases Conversions By:

Creating scannable headlines that overcome every objection (even from the toughest customers)

Strategically placing buttons to capture the sale at just the right moment

Writing powerful copy that compels them to keep reading

Providing a buttery smooth user experience no matter what device they are browsing from

Making a compelling offer the customer can’t refuse (and putting more cash in your pocket)

Framing testimonials to show transformational results (pics or it didn’t happen!)

Showing a strong brand foundation with personality (and stop sounding like everyone else)

Designing a page that engages both the left and the right brain

Knowing where to perfectly place calls to action and more…

Every image… every headline… every word… every button… counts!

Does your page check all the boxes? 


Less than 10 Seconds

It takes between 5-10 seconds for a visitor to decide if the page they landed on is worth their time.

A few seconds are all you’ve got.

Will they keep scrolling?

They will if you know what they’re thinking…

Does Your page answer These Questions?

the left brain is thinking...

Am I in the right place?

Can I scan this content quickly?

Does it make logical sense?


the right brain Ponders...

How does this content make me feel?

Can I relate to the words and images?

Has this piqued my interest?

If not, your visitor will hit the back button

Unless your page is a…

SmartPage: The Secret To Boosting Sales

A SmartPage is a landing page that perfectly balances logic and emotion, engaging both the analytical and creative sides of your brain. 

It captures attention through striking visuals and emotional resonance while providing clear, concise information that satisfies the logical mind.

Designed to captivate your audience and drive conversions, a SmartPage combines data-driven insights with compelling storytelling. 

This seamless blend ensures that visitors are both informed and inspired, making them more likely to take the desired action. 

Whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or any other goal, a SmartPage delivers results by appealing to both sides of the brain.

Make Your Offer A "no Brainer"

Many business owners struggle with sales because they create the page from their own perspective — not the customer’s.

You’re either left-brained or right-brained. So your page (and sometimes your whole website) can be skewed in one direction or the other.

Smart selling is a psychological mix of both the rational and the emotional.

Your customer needs the left brain’s logic AND the right brain’s intuition to guide them through the decision-making process.

When your page effortlessly speaks to both sides, selling becomes a “no-brainer” for your customer.


This is NOT an automated cookie-cutter Service

Each SmartPage Review is a personalized video recording of your page with individualized feedback so you can take immediate action to improve your sales.

We’re not going to tell you what’s wrong and just leave you hanging. You’ll get professional tips on exactly how to improve your page to maximize your results. 

No AI-Generated BS, only real human feedback.

We’ll be scanning your page with human eyes.

Having over 20+ years experience in designing and developing award-winning websites, we know a thing or two about what works and what doesn’t.

And when it comes to selling… emotion, empathy, and storytelling are things only a human can create and understand.

At Left Right Labs, you get a real SmartPage Review recorded by a real person, not a data zombie.

Book A Human

Customers Have used Our SmartPage Review To...

Business Evaluation Information Growth Concept
  • Plug the leaks in a 3 million dollar funnel and increase sales by 2.3% (that’s a lot of extra cash!)
  • Enhance their pricing strategy to increase the sales volume by 14.6%
  • Optimize their ad spend by editing sales copy and headlines and increase conversion rates
  • 2x the sales on a landing page by optimizing button placements
  • Improve mobile performance leading to a 30% bump in sales

And we can help your business, too.


Make Selling The Easiest Thing You Do

When you make the right offer, to the right customer, for the right price… the sale is easy, right?

That’s a myth.

You can have all of that and still miss out on sales if your landing page fails to convert.

There are so many factors that go into making a sale… messaging… tech issues… color choices… button labels… screen sizes… and more.

We’ve seen a simple word choice increase the conversion rate by 50% and a change in color palette result in 10% more client bookings.

Once you dial it all in with a SmartPage Review, you’ll have a steady stream of orders coming in consistently.

Supercharge your Page in 3 easy steps

Our process is simple. You submit a link to your page and tell us about your offer. Within 5 business days, you’ll receive a recorded video with our commentary as we review your page. 

We’ll be looking at it with completely fresh eyes through the lens of your ideal customer. 


Click the button below to book your SmartPage Review.


Check your email for instructions to submit your page info (we have a few questions to ask before we get started).


We’ll add your page to our queue and send you a link to the recording within 5 business days. And that’s it!

We fill up quickly, so don’t wait!


Laila Ali

Laila Ali Lifestyle

“We came up with a roadmap, a plan… and we’ve been consistently following that, and that’s why we’ve been winning ever since.”

We Changed our Entire Business Overnight... By Making One Tweak To Our Home page

Client Collage

We’re Not Normal.

Left Right Labs isn’t your traditional branding agency. We don’t have fancy offices and you aren’t going to be assigned an “account manager” to be your handler.

Clients typically choose Left Right Labs because they got tired of the big agency mentality and are looking for a team that can take their business to the next level quickly, without all the fluff and runaround.

In 2018, our business was struggling to stay afloat. We changed one word on our home page and our sales exploded in the best way possible.

We don’t play small. We’re a boutique agency on purpose. Our specialty is brand strategy and our superpower is helping our clients create better communication platforms to connect with their audience.


We've Used these Same Strategies With our clients... and they're not disappointed With the results 

Even big players need outside eyes. We’ve worked with hundreds of clients from small businesses to large corporations. 

They all need the same thing… experts to view their content through the eyes of their customer so they can take their sales to the next level. 

At Left Right Labs, we provide honest feedback no matter how famous you are.

Laila Ali | Laila Ali Lifestyle

JJ Virgin | JJVirgin.com

Tim Organ | Mindshare Collaborative

Allison Maslan, CEO | Pinnacle Global Network

Katalyst MD

I’m thrilled, personally. I can’t wait to show it to everyone, including the other Mastermind members here… we’re all always looking for the best of the best.

Optimum EFX

Rebranding your company is not something you take lightly. You made the entire process so smooth and you created a look and site that I love.

Left Right Labs Clients


What is the SmartPage Review?

The SmartPage Review is a professional analysis of a single page of your website, focused on optimizing it for better sales conversions. We provide strategic feedback through a personalized video review.

How does the process work?

After purchasing the SmartPage Review, you’ll be redirected to a page where you can submit your page link and answer a few questions about your goals and target audience.

Within approximately 5 business days (we don’t work on weekends), you’ll receive an email with a link to your video review with our expert feedback.

What will the video include?

Your SmartPage Review video will include an in-depth analysis of your webpage, highlighting areas for improvement and providing actionable strategies to enhance conversions.

How soon will I receive my SmartPage Review video?

You will receive your video review within 5 business days of submitting the necessary information.

Can I ask follow-up questions after receiving my SmartPage Review?

Due to our human capacity, we do not provide any email support for these reviews. You can purchase a 45-minute strategy session to review the results with us via Zoom.

This session will provide additional clarity, give you an opportunity to ask follow up questions, and generate new ideas.

For the best value, purchase the bundle that includes the strategy session at a discount. You may also purchase a strategy session later at our normal rate.

What is included in the strategy session?

The strategy session is a 45-minute consultation via Zoom where we can dive deeper into your website’s optimization and provide tailored advice to help you achieve your goals. It is your opportunity to ask questions, fine-tune your ideas, and dive deeper into specific sections of your page.

For the best value, purchase the SmartPage Review bundle that includes the strategy session at a discount. You may also purchase a strategy session later at our normal rate.

What kind of improvements can I expect from the SmartPage Review?

When properly implemented, our SmartPage Review typically helps clients increase their page’s effectiveness, leading to better user engagement and higher conversion rates.

We have a proven track record in helping our clients get results quickly.

Do I have to be famous or successful for this to work?

While we work with some very well-known folks, you do not have to have celebrity status to sell your product or service online.  

We’ve helped entrepreneurs across various industries get results by following our proven SmartPage Review for increasing conversions.

Do you offer refunds if I'm not satisfied with the SmartPage Review?

We strive to provide valuable insights, but due to the nature of the service, refunds are not available.

What if I need help with more than one page?

The SmartPage Review focuses on a single web page. If you need a comprehensive review of multiple pages, please contact us for custom packages and pricing.

How do I purchase a strategy session?

The SmartPage Review Bundle is the best value and includes a strategy session.

If you purchase just the SmartPage Review, you can still purchase a strategy session separately at our regular agency rate.

A link to purchase your session will be provided in the email with your SmartPage Review

Can I see examples of previous SmartPage Reviews?

Due to privacy and confidentiality, we cannot share specific client reviews, but you can view case studies and testimonials on our website to see the impact of our services.

Can you write the copy for me?

If you want help coming up with catchy headlines or intriguing copy, book a session with us after your SmartPage Review.

We can put together a strategy to make your copywriting “click”. 

Can you make the changes for me?

We’d be happy to help! For assistance with branding, page design, and/or development, please book a strategy session after your review so we can review your tech stack, budget, and the changes needed.

What happens if I don’t receive my SmartPage Review within 5 business days?

If there is any delay, please check your spam folder first. If you still haven’t received your SmartPage Review, please contact us and we will resend the link.

Stop Guessing And Start Selling!

Get strategic, expert feedback on any page of your site and take your customer conversions to the next level!

SmartPage Review Bundle

  • Video recording with comprehensive expert feedback on any page of your choosing

  • Real-time page flow and user experience commentary

  • Recommendations on imagery, brand, and visual presentation

  • Speed Testing and mobile assessment

  • Clear action steps on how to improve the page to increase sales

  • Includes one 45-minute strategy call to discuss your results and answer any questions

SmartPage Review Only

  • Video recording with comprehensive expert feedback on any page of your choosing

  • Real-time page flow and user experience commentary

  • Recommendations on imagery, brand, and visual presentation

  • Speed Testing and mobile assessment

  • Clear action steps on how to improve the page to increase sales

  • No strategy call (can be purchased later for $250 if you change your mind)

Why is this so affordable? What's the Catch?

There is no catch…. We’ve been doing this for 20+ years and we can spot issues quickly. 

By delivering the SmartPage Review as a video and limiting it to one-page, we can help you get traction on a single page quickly.

And at a fraction of the price other agencies are charging for a full website review.

If you want honest feedback about your sales page, including recommendations you can immediately take action on without a lot of back and forth or time commitments, this is the perfect opportunity!


No fake countdown timers here…

This Opportunity to get Real Expert Feedback WILL disappear once we are fully booked

We are human and our capacity is limited. We tend to fill up quickly, so book your SmartPage Review today for the fastest turnaround.

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