Is Your Brand Built to Scale? Take the 60-second Quiz to Find Out! See My Score

If you’re not doing this, your online business is destined to fail


failureAsk any marketing expert and they will tell you there is one very important metric by which the success of an online business can be measured.

It’s something everyone uses and it’s not going away.

The experts say that even business owners who know about this strategy aren’t even using it effectively.

What is it?

It’s the almighty email.

If your online business is neglecting this one area, you are leaving money on the table every time a visitor comes to your web site.

In this age of short attention spans and time-crunched customers, you’ve got to master the art of the opt-in and build your mailing list. By doing this, you’re positioning yourself to get in front of your customers on a regular basis in a location where they are most likely to take action.

Now is the time!

Research shows the average person checks their phone approximately 110 times per day. At least 23 of those visits is to check for messages. If you want to show up in front of your customers regularly, you’ve got to build an email list and establish a relationship with them through their inbox.

Social media sites now limit the amount of content available to it’s readers, but highly targeted email messages rarely get missed. When you build a mailing list of customers who genuinely like your products and services, your message has a much greater chance of being read by your customer when it shows up in their inbox. As you build rapport and provide value with each email you send, you’ll have raving customers who look forward to opening email from your company.

People are more likely to take action (fill out a survey, click a button, buy a product) through email than any other place online. As email integrates itself into our daily life, we’ve become more and more accustomed to taking action from our email. Many people see email as something to “do” so the barrier to making that first click is low.

Did any of your customers open an email from you today? 

The most important thing you can do with your online business is build a mailing list of highly targeted customers. Stop leaving money on the table and begin connecting with your customers today.

If you need help with this step, book a free strategy session with us today and we’ll help you create the secret sauce to keep your customers coming back for more. You better hurry. Your customers are checking their email right about now!

Left-Brain Categories: GET PAID Right Brain Tags: List Building
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