Brand Soul: the fast track to Deeper Connections and more sales

When people feel like they know you, they can’t wait to buy from you. Get the clarity, confidence, and strategy you need to stand out and increase your revenue today!

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Where Left-Brain Plans and Right-Brain Dreams Collide

Celebrating Excellence: Left Right Labs Wins Design and Product Packaging Awards

Earlier this year, we had the privilege of working with DesBio on a full rebrand, and this week, we received some incredible news. Left Right Labs has been honored with multiple awards from GDUSA (Graphic...
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The Balanced Brand: Why You Need Both Left-Brain and Right-Brain Thinking to Build a Brand That Matters

To build a brand that stands out, you can’t just rely on logic and numbers, or creativity and emotion alone. The brands that change the game—the ones that people talk about and remember—have one thing...
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A Plan Is Not A Strategy

Business owners like plans.A plan is comfortable. It’s neat. It’s predictable. But it’s not enough.A plan tells you what to do, but a strategy tells you why it matters.Plans are easy. You check boxes, follow the steps, and hope...
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Are You Using The Wrong Tool To Build Your Brand?

Not all frameworks are created equal.Every business needs frameworks. Sure.But here’s the thing: not every framework is for you.When you need to drive a nail, you could grab the wrong tool—a screwdriver, maybe. Or pliers. Or even the side of...
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Consistent branding increases your revenue by up to 23% 

But consistency is often confused with cohesiveness. Your brand absolutely needs to be cohesive. The style should match. The messaging should align. The personality should be the same across all platforms. There should be no doubts in your customer’s mind...
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Unlock the Secrets to a Powerful Brand: A Sneak Peek

Ever wondered how top brands like Disney and Starbucks captivate millions? Spoiler alert: it’s not just their products—it’s their strategy. They don’t just brew success; they plan it. Imagine having that kind of pull with...
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I Like Big ‘Buts’ and I Cannot Lie: Using Headlines To Easily Overcome Customer Objections

People stop listening when the conversation starts with “But…”But (oops!), you’ve got to put your customer’s objections front and center if you want to keep them interested in your content and earn their trust.And in...
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You Had Me At Walnut…

Apparently, there is a squirrel whisperer in our neighborhood and I’m about to ask him if he works in marketing.Early this morning on our daily walk, we took a different route.As we rounded the corner, we...
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My neighbor’s dog got rebranded and now I think she’s bilingual.

Shortly after we got our Boston Terrier puppy, my neighbor got a Pug puppy.They named her HarleyQuinn (Harley).She was tiny and adorable.Since I worked from home, my neighbor brought her over to play with my...
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Be the tab your customers stubbornly refuse to close

When we talk about “refreshing your brand” during a strategy call, most people jump straight to colors, fonts and a logo update.Because those are the first things customers will notice when a brand changes.But what...
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From Entrepreneur to Thought Leader: The Strategic Dive into Influence

Ever felt like you’re on the brink of something big, like standing at the edge of a diving board, ready to plunge into the deep end of expertise and innovation? That’s the exhilarating yet slightly...
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7 Characteristics of a Thoughtful Leader (Not Your Average Thought Leader)

In the vibrant tapestry of leadership, thoughtful leaders stand out like a lighthouse of empathy and wisdom. These are the captains who not only steer the ship but also ensure every member of the crew...
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