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These domain name tips could double your traffic

When you type in your URL, do you start with www? Do your customers? Did you know that the www isn’t even necessary? You probably already knew that but did you know it’s still important in how your customers can find you?

To type www or not to type www…

wwwWhat if you use the www but your customers don’t? Can they still find you? There’s a very simple way to find out if your site is redirecting properly with or without that prefix. Try it!

Go to your browser right now and type in your URL with the www. Now try it without the www by typing it into a new window. Did your site show up both times? If so, great!

Most newer sites will resolve correctly, but it’s still a good thing to to check because your browsing habits may not be the same as your customer’s browsing habits.

If your site did not resolve correctly, contact your web host and let them know. It’s a simple fix they can help you with.

Become their spellchecker

Do your customers frequently misspell or abbreviate your business name? Consider buying that misspelled or abbreviated domain name and pointing to your site. You may pick up a lot of traffic you didn’t even know you were missing.

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