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Happy Merry Everything!

lego card

Welcome to that time of year where every mailing list you’ve ever subscribed to sends you a “Merry” or Happy” email that basically does nothing but offer a pretty photo and a warm, fuzzy greeting.

lego card

Sounds like a waste, right?

So why do marketers everywhere participate in this digital holiday tradition, knowing that the recipient will file their email in the recycling bin within minutes of it’s arrival in their inbox?

It’s simple. Holiday greetings are harmless. Customers accept them as a nice gesture even if we don’t even read them. A smart marketer knows that part of the game plan is just to get as much face time in front of the customer as possible without being annoying. If you’re reading this right now, then guess what? We (Left Right Labs) just made a point of contact with you! See how easy that was and we didn’t even try to sell you anything. We’re just over here waving hello!

An emailed Holiday greeting is a great way for a company to say hi without the pressure of trying to get a sale or developing an expensive promotional campaign. It’s an easy connection with their customers to offer something positive and fun. And who doesn’t like fun? A huge part of marketing is providing entertainment. Keep that in mind when creating your next email and see what happens.

Customers also know that occasionally those “happy holidays” emails come with surprises inside like coupons and exclusive deals. Many of these holiday greetings get opened for that very reason. If you plan on giving a gift or a special offer with a season’s greeting type email, make sure you mention your offer in your subject line for even better open rates.

If you haven’t sent one already, it’s not too late to prepare a heartfelt, cheerful or funny seasonal greeting to your customers. Wish them a happy, merry everything and don’t be a Scrooge!

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