Is Your Brand Built to Scale? Take the 60-second Quiz to Find Out! See My Score

Thanks to their (lack of) branding, I might never order again.

I had the best fajita wrap for lunch yesterday, but thanks to their branding, I might never order it again.

After a long hike through the local nature preserve with our pups, my daughter suggested a lunch option that was totally new to me although it is apparently a chain restaurant in our area.

It was “salad something or other” and although I wasn’t in the mood for a salad, I went anyway because that’s what we do when our friends and family are raving about something.

I had zero expectations, but the service was excellent and the food was delicious!

As a brand specialist, I noted that my fajita was wrapped in plain foil and handed to me in a clear plastic bag with plain napkins.

No logo.

No restaurant name.

Just plain packaging.

Later, I told Trina how good my lunch was and that it would be a great place to grab a healthy meal on the go.

Only one problem.

I couldn’t remember the name of the restaurant.

I knew the place had “salad” in the title.

Searching for “Salad Restaurants” in the Dallas-Fort Worth area produced literally hundreds of results.

None of them rang a bell.

Then I remembered…

I don’t usually buy drinks because I carry my own water bottle, but since I emptied it on the hike, I had ordered a mango green tea (also delicious!) and finished it on my way home.

Maybe I left the cup in my Jeep.

A quick trip outside and there it was…

“Salad And Go”

Had I not ordered a drink, I would have had zero connections back to their brand.

Of course, I would have texted my daughter to ask, but what if I had gone on my own without a recommendation?

It was a great reminder that everything in a business should reflect the brand.

Right down to the napkins and the bag you deliver them in.

What parts of your business might be a blank slate at the moment?

Don’t miss out on a repeat customer (or two) because they can’t remember your name.

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