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5 Powerful Ways To Attract Better Nutrition Clients

Attract Better Nutrition Clients

The following tips to attract better nutrition clients will start working for you today, but only when you apply them consistently. We use these exact methods ourselves and with our nutrition clients to get results that last.

Why Do You Want To Attract Better Nutrition Clients?

Attract Better Nutrition ClientsThe first question we ask our wellness clients is “why?”. It’s probably not about money. As a nutrition professional, you are in business to help people. You have a deep desire to see your nutrition clients take charge of their health and change their life for the better.

So that’s YOUR why, but what about your clients? They can find a diet plan anywhere. All they have to do is visit Google or scroll through their Facebook feed.

What they really want is to be heard. They want someone to listen and understand what they’re going through.

You can provide exactly what they’re looking for through your expertise, but they’re going to need a little reassurance before they can get on board with you. The 5 tips below will show you how to gain their trust and help you create a consistent stream of new clients.

1. Break It Down

We see this mistake all the time, even from seasoned professionals. The amount of nutrition information is overwhelming and in your excitement, you write as if you are writing to other experts in your field. When potential clients land on your site, they have no clue what you’re talking about so they give up and move on.

The quickest way to gain trust is to keep your information simple and easy to follow. Many times, as an expert, you make the assumption that other people know the basic principles about your niche. And while that may be true for your loyal followers, potential new clients may shy away or even be repelled by nutrition articles that are just too advanced for their current level.

This knowledge gap makes them suspicious about what you’re offering, even when it’s totally legit. To attract and lead these new customers to better health, create a series of articles that start where they are… with essential beginner steps. Keep it simple and map it out using easy to understand terminology. Our clients have found that this not only helps their readers but it keeps them coming back for more.

Pro tip: When someone is new to a topic, they will often start their search with the terms “how to…” Creating blog posts with “How to…” in the title will typically generate more clickthroughs from search engines and potential clients who are browsing through your blog.
how to google search

Also, make it easy enough for a young child to understand. That may sound crazy, but it works for bringing in new leads who are just starting to learn about the types of services you have to offer. Build trust through baby steps and you will have a customer for life.

2. Be Consistent And Current

Better Nutrition Clients

It can be hard to keep up with all the moving parts of your online business. One of the biggest mistakes we see business owners make is not being consistent with their content.

In fact, content is the first thing we check during coaching calls with our clients. We look for quality and consistency to make sure it resonates with their target audience.

Consistency will be a key trust builder for you. When your followers know they can expect a new article from you every Tuesday, you become a consistent part of their routine. You become a familiar face in their inbox, which builds trust.

So what does this have to do with new leads?

Well, new customers ask themselves only one thing when they first visit a site… “Do I trust what I see here?” They need a little assurance that you’re the real deal before they engage. If they see great content published on a consistent basis, they’ll know you’re still actively participating in the nutrition conversation and they will dig in for more.

Also, stay current. If the first thing a new visitor sees on your blog is an article on a trend that has long passed, they will leave your site before the page even finishes loading. The same goes for other areas of your site. Keep your content fresh to prove that you know your stuff and are actively engaged in the latest nutrition news.

3. Be Generous

5 Powerful Ways To Attract Better Nutrition ClientsAs a nutrition professional, you are likely already a very giving person. After all, you are in this business to help other people live healthier, happier lives, right?

But you have to make money, too!

So is giving stuff away for free really a smart idea?


When you give information away for free on your site, you will become their “go to resource” for all things nutrition. The health and wellness space is constantly evolving, so there is never a shortage of information for you to write about. You should also visit frequently for trending topics in your industry.

The more content you have on your site, the more likely your new visitors are to stick around and engage with you. Be sure you have a visible search box or a good navigation system so they can quickly find topics of interest. Curating your best content into a top ten list or ultimate resource is another great way to keep new visitors engaged with what you have to offer. You can never give too much away!

So how do you make money when you’re giving so much away for free? Well that’s the easy part. People will pay for convenience. Package up your best work into a 21 day program like our client, Christine, at Just Glowing with Health and you’ll have no shortage of customers.

4. Become A Group Guru

Get More Nutrition Clients

When someone helps you without asking for anything in return, you take notice. This is a fabulous technique that works well on social media.

Find a niche specific group for your target audience (not a group of your peers) and start helping in any way you can. Answer questions whenever possible and gently point people towards the answers.

Don’t tell them “how” to solve the problem, but simply let them know there is an answer to their problem and point them in a general direction so they can solve it themselves. Don’t be spammy and promote your stuff unless someone asks for it or it is extremely relevant to the question.

Oftentimes, the person you help still wants some hand holding and will come back and offer to pay you for your time to dive deeper into the solution. These are the easiest sales of all.

Christine has a great example of this technique. Her target audience is people struggling with Fibromyalgia, so she stays actively engaged in several fibromyalgia groups and helps as many people as possible by answering questions and offering tips to improve their condition through nutrition. She has converted many of these online friends into customers just by being helpful and pointing them in the right direction.

Bonus: Once you build up a guru status within the group, others will start tagging you for your expertise on the subject. This method leads to good conversation and will attract better nutrition clients for your business. It also creates a great network of friends who will refer business to you.

We get most of our clients through referral networks using this exact process. We are known as the go-to gurus for digital marketing and online business advice in several social networking circles.

5. Create A Blog Funnel

If better nutrition clients are what you’re after, there is no shortage of traffic from Facebook. In fact, Facebook is probably the best way to really dial in on the clients you want. You can be ultra selective in the audience you choose, right down to their annual income and even what brand of toothpaste they buy. So if you know exactly who your target audience is, you can find better nutrition clients in an instant. If you’re not sure who your audience is or how to find better customers, schedule a free strategy call with us and we’d be happy to help you dive in and map it out.

So how does the Blog Funnel work? Setup a Facebook ad that leads directly to one of your best blog posts. Inside your blog post, make sure you put several calls to action as both text and images that lead to your main product or a qualification call for coaching.

This tip is not a “free” solution since it means paying for Facebook ads, but Facebook is a tremendous source of traffic that you can turn off or on at will. Need to attract better nutrition clients? Turn it on. Working at capacity with your coaching calls? Turn it off. It will be there when you’re ready to scale up.

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