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Real Online Marketing Results Are Not a Delusional Fairy Tale

Once upon a time, getting results with online marketing was an exercise in frustration. But with today’s tools and technology at our disposal, there’s no excuse to be guessing at what works and what doesn’t.

If you’re frustrated by the lack of traction in your business, one of the first things you should ask yourself is “what results am I looking for?”

Most business owners often don’t fully know what results they’re after with their online marketing. They know they should be tracking and measuring something, but they haven’t defined it.

Ask yourself… Do you need more leads? Do you need to convert the leads you’re already getting? Or maybe the leads you are getting are the wrong customers! Is the data you are currently tracking and measuring even useful?

What every business owner DOES know is that they need to generate more revenue from their ideal clients. And fast!

But when it comes to metrics, what most business owners look at are vanity numbers. And those vanity statistics don’t tell the real story of what’s happening in their business.

Who cares if 50,000 people visited your landing page if no one signed up for your offer? The page visit metric is useless on its own. It only tells us one part of the story.

However, when you start using the data to piece together the true story of how your visitors are interacting, you’ll get real metrics you can take action on to improve your results.

Here’s an example we see frequently during our strategy sessions with clients:

LRL: We noticed your bounce rate is pretty high…

Client: Yeah, I think we should remove that pop-up box.

LRL: Really? Why?

Client: Well, it annoys me so I’m sure it annoys other people, too. Let’s just get rid of it.

LRL: Hmm. Is the pop-up function the problem or is it the offer?

Client: I don’t know. If the bounce rate is high, then people must be annoyed by that pop-up and leave.

LRL: Let’s take a look at your metrics and see what we can find out. *digs around for a few minutes* Hmm… If we look at some of your most popular pages, it seems that your audience is drawn more to your blog posts on topics of healthy fats and skin care. The lead magnet in your pop up is focused on mindset. That’s a completely different subject.

Client: Oh…

LRL: Let’s try changing that lead magnet to something centered around healthy fats and skin care and see how it performs before we make any decisions to remove the pop-up function. Sound good?

Client: Yeah. That makes sense.

Six weeks later the client has a new lead magnet in place, the conversion rate on the pop-up has tripled, and their bounce rate has dropped.

Results like that don’t come from guessing. They come from listening to the story your data is telling you. Your customers are literally spelling out what they want from you by the way they engage with your online content.

We get it. The sheer volume of data that can be collected about your visitors is overwhelming. And that ‘s actually a good thing. The more information you have about your visitors means you can make better, more informed decisions about your online marketing than ever before.

But between analytics reports, spreadsheets, charts, and everything that goes into telling that story, the plot can be easily missed. Cherry picking vanity stats and making knee-jerk decisions won’t get you to a happy ending.

In our coaching sessions, we’re listening for your story. We’ll help you piece together the tale your visitors are telling, so you can be the knight in shining armor that delivers exactly what they’re looking for and saves the day.

With our 12+ years of experience, we’re confident we can help you get unstuck in your business. Give us a call and we’ll take a look at your biggest online marketing obstacle and map out a plan to get you where you want to be. Schedule today and let’s get your business on the path to happily ever after.

As the Left Brain of Left Right Labs, Gretchen specializes in boosting client revenue through brand strategy and user experience. Sarcasm, wit, and the occasional pun are her creative trademarks.

Left-Brain Categories: GET CLEAR Right Brain Tags: Analytics, Bounce Rate, Lead Generation, Metrics, Online Marketing

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